colonies are polygionous and queens are short lived and usually die after 5 years,in nature they will usually use gamergate instead:workers with working ovaries that have mated and lay eggs.They are a famous species due to their aggressiveness and especially the fact that they can jump up to 10 centimetres due to evolved leg muscles!They grow slow and are hard to start from queen so getting one with workers has a higher chance of survival.
These ants have a varied diet and will eat most foods eg crickets, mealworms, sugar water and honey If you feed insects from the wild freeze or boil these insects to sterilize them. Skipping this step can introduce mites to your colony.
they require high humidity so watering the nest once or twice a week is recommended.
Being from warm areas,it’s best to keep them at 26-30c
a diapause isn’t required.
they sting and bite.