Welcome to the captivating world of Camponotus pilicornis, also known as carpenter ants, renowned for their affinity for nesting in dead bits of wood. Originating from Southern Europe, these ants are not only beautiful but also highly active, making them a delightful addition to any ant enthusiast's collection. With their striking coloration and polymorphism within the colony, Camponotus pilicornis offers enthusiasts a fascinating glimpse into the diversity of ant species. Despite their relatively small colony sizes of a few thousand, they are ideal for those seeking an easy-to-control Camponotus species.
Camponotus pilicornis
Camponotus pilicornis colonies exhibit a high degree of polymorphism, with workers ranging in size from 7.5-13.5mm. Characterized by a yellow thorax, these ants showcase an especially attractive coloration. Their nuptial flights occur in October and November, contributing to the reproductive success and expansion of colonies. Found in warm open areas with low bushes, Camponotus pilicornis thrives in environments rich in heat. They are also commonly found in limestone and gravel areas, displaying their adaptability to diverse habitats. Colonies are strictly monogynous, with up to 1000 workers contributing to the colony's activities. New queens lay eggs after hibernation, ensuring the continuity of the colony's population.