Food: Camponotus irritans have a varied diet and will eat most foods such as crickets, mealworms, sugar water, and honey. If you feed insects from the wild, freeze or boil these insects to sterilize them and prevent introducing mites to your colony.
Humidity: These ants do not require very high humidity. Ensure to keep a water test tube in the outworld at all times to provide a consistent water source.
Temperature: They thrive best when kept at 26-28°C.
Hibernation: Camponotus irritans do not require a diapause.
Sting/Bite: These ants do not sting, but they spray formic acid, and major workers' bites can hurt.
Colony Management: Camponotus irritans can be kept in various types of nests, including ytong, acrylic, and 3D-printed nests. Ensure the nest setup allows for proper temperature control and ventilation to keep the colony healthy.
By following these guidelines, you can ensure a healthy and thriving colony of Camponotus irritans ants, enjoying their dynamic behavior and ensuring they receive the care they need.